Hybrid Event Benefits

Hybrid Events“ provide many benefits to participants and organizers

In a „hybrid event“ all congress participants have the opportunity to participate in real time from anywhere, via their own smart phones, tablets and notebooks; they can receive important information about the congress, take part in opinion polls, as well as interact with the speakers and other conference participants. This is made possible by installing an App, which can be uploaded to all normal mobile devices. An external subscriber can additionally through „live streaming“ follow the event in picture and sound via the Internet in real time.

„The decision of congress delegates to attend a particular event depends on a variety of factors, such as scheduling problems, high travel costs or travel problems such as strikes, adverse weather conditions and natural disasters. The possibility of external, interactive participation is an attractive alternative to visiting the venue,“ says Nils Jakoby, Managing Director of the FILDERHALLE . The „hybrid event“ offers organizers a higher turnover through external participants. Furthermore, companies can minimize their costs significantly for customer and employee events.


The FILDERHALLE organises «Hybrid Events» – using exclusively its own technology

The Convention & Event Center FILDERHALLE in the convention and exhibition city of Leinfelden-Echterdingen has a 10 GB fibre Internet connection and its own camera and live-streaming technology. In addition, the convention centre is equipped with a high-tech wireless system into which up to 2,000 devices can be logged in. These technical features in combination with a special App (application software) oder FILDERHALLE Event-Sites for mobile devices, allows the FILDERHALLE to offer hybrid events from a single source.